My site will offer members the ability to pay for a "sponsored" listing that would put them at the top of a user list. I know that I can place them at the top with the sort function, but I'd also like to have their table cells be a different color than non-sponsored members. Kind of like how Google AdWords listings have that yellow shading. Any ideas if this is possible and how I would go about doing it?
It's a nice feature-request indeed. However, you can do that already in CB 1.4+ through the CB templating. Create a CB template or get an existing one and change it (don't change in the core, as it will be overridden when upgraded):
In the file mytemplatename.php (check default.php of default CB template in components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default) of your template you have function _getUserListCell where you could add the CSS class output to the lines you need.