Hi there,
I am running CB 1.7 on Joomla 1.5.23 with php 5.3.6. I do have Joomla linked in with moodle and SMF 1.14 via JFusion.
If I try to edit a user profile in the back end, it doesn't save any changes and just goes to the CB information screen.
I have some users that have to reset their password frequently and may or may not be able to access the site afterwards.
For example, I have a member that signed up 5 days ago and now cant access the site, her selected password doesn't work and I cant reset it for her. I have other members that all of a sudden cant access the site when previously they could.
I can create new users from the front end fine.
I have another Joomla/CB install set up the same on the same server (in a sub directory actually) and this works with no issues.
I have tried debugging, but my php knowledge is nil!
Any help or suggestions appreciated, or tell me where to find further information to help you work out what I need to do. My students need to log in to be able to access their courses.