This is an ongoing and widespread problem for sobi2 users. It only occurs with mod_cblogin and only on the sobi2 pages.
After logging in from a sobi2 page, you get "Server not found" and the url -
But go back and refresh the page... you are logged in. There is a problem with the redirect after login. And yes, login redirection is blank. Set it to something and the problem goes away.
In the sobi2 forum where the problem has been raised many times, it's attributed to the code in mod_cblogin.
It's occured in every version up to my present:
Joomla 1.5.25
CB 1.8
Any solutions PLEASE?
PS In the sobi2 forum, a moderator also questions whether this piece of code in mod_cblogin is correct:
Line 59 : '/index.php\?option=com_comprofiler&task=confirm&confirmCode=|index.php\?option=com_comprofiler&task=login/',