telefono1004 wrote: Hi, I was thinking about buying the advanced account in order to more posibilities but, before that y want to ask for someone who has buyed this service if it is worth buying?
and i want to ask something too
¿what i get?, only the add ons and subs?
Thanks a lot:cheer:
I hope others will add their experience.
For the record, CB is free. You can download it, install it and use it on all your websites forever. If it was for sale, then the fair cost could be well over $100. But instead it is free as in beer.
Advanced membership gives you all the add-ons shown on this page:
which you can use on all your websites forever.
You also get all the GroupJive plugins listed here:
That's 15 add-ons and GroupJive.
You also get access to CB detailed documentation and authorization to remove the CB Menu which contains frontend copyright notices.
Plus for a full year you get maintenance releases of all the add-ons on the previous page (and CB documentation updates) and you can also post on the Advanced support forum area where team members will respond on a priority basis compared to the Free forum areas.
Professional membership gives you all Advanced membership privileges stated above plus download of all Incubator add-ons listed on this page:
That's another 23+ add-ons (over the 15+ and GroupJive).
Plus you get to post your issues on the Professional forum area with same or next business day responses.
CBSubs license is not included in any of these subscription plans and must be purchased separately.
Revenue from Advanced and Professional membership and from CBSubs and other sales (templates and hosting) help us continue to keep CB free.
I hope existing members can add their experience to this thread also.