I solved my problem
I modded the plugin.foundation.php
I added this to the getCBprofileItemid() function:
$userthings = & JFactory::getUser();
$usrfuuu = $userthings->groups;
if($usrfuuu['Author'] == 3) {
$cmsGid = "4";
$mypattern = "= ";
} else {
$cmsGid = $_CB_framework->myCmsGid();
$mypattern = "<= ";
And than I replaced the $_CB_framework->myCmsGid() in the Query to $cmsGid and I also replaced the condition in the query with the $mypattern
Than I went back to comprofiler.html.php and changed myItemid() back to the original and thats it.
Maybe there is a more elegant way or more professional but it will do.
I think it would be better if the $_CB_framework->myCmsGid() would contain the ACL of the User maybe from this JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($userid) and than the MYSQL Query condition shoud be equal for the "access" column to avoid miss categorization except for Super Users becouse normally they have full access.
Like in my case Customer Access Level has the id=4 and the Customer User Group has the id=3 and with CB's Itemid query the Customer Group can only access menu items which are equal or lower than 3 but my joomla menu item has Customer ACL and the CB query resulted a lower level menu item becouse of this.