I'm having an issue with the SMTP setup of my Joomla website when trying to send mass emails through the CB Mailing (Mass Email) extension. I receive this error:
SMTP Error! The following recipients failed:
Number of users to whom e-mail was sent: 0 (Total in list: 1)
I'm having an issue with the SMTP setup of my Joomla website when trying to send mass emails through the CB Mailing (Mass Email) extension. I receive this error:
SMTP Error! The following recipients failed: Number of users to whom e-mail was sent: 0 (Total in list: 1)
So, my question is: What is causing this SMTP error and how can I resolve it?
The mail log is stating that the email bounces back to the from email: ctaspa-info@ctaspa.org
The only user on the mailing list is user3@earth2525.com (I just ran a test to make sure that the user3 account works and it does). This is the content that comes up in the body of the bounced back email:
SMTP Error! The following recipients failed: when sending withTo: , <br />
(NULL), <br />
Result=true<br />
<br />
The old version of this websites mass emailer worked fine, however, in order to add Kunena Forum and maintain compatibility I had to make several upgrades to the site including the upgrade to Community Builder 1.7.1. Both the new version and old verson configurations are outlined below.
Server for Website: Mac OS X Server 10.4.11, Apache, PHP 5.2.3, MySQL 4.1.22
Server for SMTP: Eudora Internet Mail Server 3.3.9 (EIMS Server X)
New Configuration:
Joomla 1.5.25, Community Builder 1.7.1, CB Paid Subscriptions (CB Subs) 1.2.2, CBMailing 2.3.4, Kunena Forum 1.7.0, Legacy 1.0 plug-in disabled
Mail Settings (New Config):
- Mailer: SMTP Server
- Mail from: ctaspa-info@ctaspa.org
- From Name: CASPA
- Sendmail Path: <span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>sbin/sendmail
- SMTP Authentication: Yes
- SMTP Security: None
- SMTP Port: 25
- SMTP Username: ctaspa-info@ctaspa.org
- SMTP Password: *******
- SMTP Host:
Old Configuration (Working SMTP Configuration):
Joomla 1.5.9, Community Builder 1.2, CB Paid Subscriptions (CB Subs) 1.0.3, CB Mailing 2.1,
Legacy 1.0 plug-in enabled
Mail Settings (Old Config):
- Mailer: SMTP Server
- Mail from: ctaspa-info@ctaspa.org
- From Name: CASPA
- Sendmail Path: <span>/</span>usr<span>/</span>sbin/sendmail
- SMTP Authentication: Yes
- SMTP Username: ctaspa-info@ctaspa.org
- SMTP Password: *******
- SMTP Host:
(Notice how the older version of Joomla is missing the 2 fields: SMTP Security and SMTP Port)
Thanks in advance!