Suddenly, IE will not show entire page. debug gives me this:
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1054 - Unknown column 'cp.cb_geburtstag' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT cp.user_id, u.username, cp.firstname, cp.lastname, cp.cb_geburtstag, @birthday:=ifnull(date(concat(year(now()), '-', month(cp.cb_geburtstag), '-', DAYOFMONTH(cp.cb_geburtstag))), adddate(date(concat(year(now()), '-', month(cp.cb_geburtstag), '-', DAYOFMONTH(cp.cb_geburtstag)-1)), INTERVAL 1 DAY)) birthday, if(DATEDIFF(@birthday,now())<0,DATEDIFF(adddate(@birthday, INTERVAL 1 YEAR),now()),DATEDIFF(@birthday,now())) days_to_birthday,if(DATEDIFF(@birthday,now())<0, year(now()) - year(cp.cb_geburtstag) +1, year(now()) - year(cp.cb_geburtstag)) age, day(cp.cb_geburtstag) day_of_birthday FROM jos_comprofiler cp, jos_users u where cp.user_id = and cp.cb_geburtstag is not null and cp.cb_geburtstag != date('0000-00-00') and u.block = 0 order by 7 LIMIT 0,5
Any help? Running Joomla 1.5 with CB 1.7.1