My site is the''who''looking for with the options''the driver, passenger, or anyone.''Has created a list of users and the search for this list. In the search for
graph appears with the name''who''looking for, also three options. But the problem is that this field reflects the value is not for someone who is looking for. And just the values of people. Easier to understand would be an example: Suppose I have a driver. I went in search, see the''who''and seeking a naturally think that this sign for me. (That one I'm looking for?) And write''passenger'', but by me a list of all drivers who are also looking ''passenger''.
That such confusion. How do I get into the search field label changed. For example in the profile would be''I'm looking for,''and''in the search for someone looking for''.
Or in another way. How to make a division into two lists of members of drivers and passengers. When you register a person puts a tick and adds itself to a specific list. And looking in the opposite list.
P.S.:Sorry if I write it is not clear. I am writing from Russia through the electronic translator.