I have CB integrated with Kunena. I noticed a strange bug that I think is a CB issue and am hoping I can resolve.
It has to do with forum rankings.
Whenever a super user / administrator logs in and views a registered user's profile, it says that user is an administrator when they are not.
Kunena indicates that the user is a "fresh boarder" or new member and the user has only the user permissions they should have but, the profile of the user, when viewed by a super administrator in CB, says otherwise.
User permissions in Kunena, Joomla and CB are all set properly. I spent the last six hours checking it over with a fine tooth comb. It appears to just be a rendering issue.
I tried logging out and logging in as a registered user and when I do, it works fine. Viewing any user accurately reflects their proper forum role. It is only when I am logged in as an administrator or super user that this glitch appears.
I think that the user profile page of CB incorrectly displays the forum ranking of users when super users are logged in. It displays the ranking of the super user instead.
Any idea how to fix this so that I can see the proper status of a user by viewing their page instead of seeing all users as administrators?
Thanks for the help!