I have done the upgrade of Joomla versions as listed above. I used Jupgrade and it appeared to work fine but I am having issues with CB on the frontend.
I can see my list of users, but clicking on a user it goes to an error page (I've attached it below)
I also cannot see my own profile from the front end. Get a similar issue to the above.
I notice that in the backend that the component menu items look unusual compared to what they were like before.
I have run all of the CB tools in the backend and comes back with all green.
Thanks for the help. Trying to update this before 1.5.26 isn't supported and go back to teaching.
I notice on the webpage that goes to a page that doesn't work it shows a 500 error at the bottom and says something on server might not be configured right.
Last edit: 12 years 7 months ago by brianfischer74.
My list was viewable but going to specific profiles I would get the 500 error. I switched that to public and now I can click on specific names and see their profile.
However it doesn't work if I'm logged in nor can I go to my profile. I am thinking I have something set up wrong for being logged in. Any ideas out there?
I really appreciate that you tried to replicate the problem.
I wanted to double check that maybe it wasn't me not having something configured right or turned on in CB.
I contacted my host aboout it going to a 500 internal server error and they said they could see the link just fine and didn't have that error. they said to clear my browser cache and I did. plus the link i gave them required you to be logged in so not quite sure they were correct.
the first time I migrated my cb tool checks didn't work right. So I redid it and they do this time.
Is there another way that might be better to migrate from 1.5.26 and do the community builder than jupgrade? Or uninstall CB and try loading it up again an then import the users in the database? You mentioned the cbjuice but from what I'm seeing it looks like each user might have their password reset to something new.
thanks so much. trying to update before 1.5.26 is no longer supported.