Integration issue between Redirect on Login (ROL) 3.1.0 free version and Community Builder 1.9
ROL Works perfectly with Joomla Connexion login module
It helps me to redirect a user belonging to a group to the url "mysite.tld/index.php/home/architect"
But when I replace Joomla Connexion login module by Community Builder CB login the redirection still work, but then redirects to "mysite.tld/index.php/home/architect/component/comprofiler/"
which makes a 404 errorĀ !
I do not need "/component/comprofiler/" added. How can I remove itĀ ?
I checked CB > Configuration and CB Login module redirection parameters, they are set to blank
SOLUTION : I forgot to Create Public Joomla menu item to comprofiler component.
afterwards It works like a charme.