CB 1.9.1 has no known vulnerability, so it's resisting to those SQL injection attacks, but the issue here seems to be that your attacker is doing blind attacks without seeing that they don't succeed, and that your hoster seems to not be blocking IPs that overload their hosts.
If you have any report of (unlikely) successful SQLĀ attacks, please use our contact form and then reply to the confirmation email with attachments containing the corresponding attacks that we will examine.
Back to the reported problem:
Most hosters block such massive (unsuccessful SQL attacks) which then become a DoS attacks with firewalls anti-DDoS systems to block abusing IP addresses.
Some hosters use a combination of mod_security and adaptative firewalls so that the attacking IP addresses get automatically banned.
Such things are best handled at hoster networking level, but if your hoster doesn't want to protect his network and servers and you do not want to change hoster, you can always try a Joomla security tool, like Akeeba Admin Tools, but it won't offload your server massively against DoS.