Hello, Is there any possible way to pull feed of all the public blogs made by users? I have my members profiles to view as registered only and that is the only way someone can get to view any of their blogs.. I tried to work around it and set the CB blogs to pull from a certain joomla model, then set the model to User Blogs.. but I am getting an error
*Here are the settingings for my my cb blogs plugin
*here are the errors that are happening in the front end..
*no matter if I set the category display to enabled or disabled, It still gives me a category error when I try to create a blog, the only difference is the blank box doesnt show.
*I believe it has something to do with my global permissions, for my articles, but I am not sure how to set them up without letting my registered users be able to have access to edit all of the categories I have listed.
*For example, I am building a library of resources for my website and have different categories listed(still under development)
*I would like to add a category User Blogs so when you click on it, it will display public blogs(list form) that my registered users can add blogs from and see their personal blogs from their profiles or from the specific category.
I added a new category userblog to my library and was able to allow registered user's to create blogs from the category and see them too, but not be able to see them on their profiles under the tab blog or create one in that category..
*Here is an example of a category that is clicked on from my main library (page with green Folders)
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by krystalrules04.
Thanks for the reference! I will download and study! I was able to allow my users to create an article in certain category/ categories, but on the profile there was no "new" button to create a new article, so I made a button to submit an article and made a button to go to our forums section, which is running IPB board.