After registration, mail confirmation, and going to the site, The user gets the message:
Sign Up Complete!
Your password has been sent to the e-mail address you entered.
Please check your email (including your spambox). When you receive your password you will then be able to log in.
The mail that was received is:
讘专讜讱 讛讘讗.
讛专砖诪转讱 诇讗转专 讘讜讙专讬 拽爪讬谞讬 讬诐 注讻讜 讘讜爪注讛, 讗讜砖专讛, 讜讗转/讛 讞讘专/讛 讘拽讛讬诇讛
NOTE: This email was automatically generated from 讘讜讙专讬 讘讬讛"住 诇拽爪讬谞讬 讬诐 注讻讜 (
and it does not include any password...
What went wrong?