Just updated to the latest version of Joomla and Community Builder with CBSubs (as seen on the download page)
Now I'm getting some strange phenomenae.
Normal users on login get errors of "too many redirects" or "redirect not working". This only happens to users below Administrator.
All higher than administrators do not get this bug.
I notice that after taking a few seconds trying to load the page, it will redirect to the url index.php?option=com_users&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=480 and then throws the error.
I have disabled or removed EVERY login redirect, but still doing this.
a)Go to front end
b) Login using an normal user account
c) all browsers will then timeout with a "too many redirects". Moving from the default site index.php to index.php?option=com_users&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=480
d) tried rolling back to 2.1.5 and still not working.
So something is wonky between Joomla 3.8.11.
Any ideas what could cause this redirect?
To Clarify:
This behaviour is consistent on ALL BROWSERS I've tried.
All redirects (CbLogin, cbsubs Plan redirect and comprofiler redirect) have been emptied and the issue still persists.
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by jered@saverexpress.com.
Sounds like something was trying to access Joomlas user profile page, which CB blocks access to using its system plugin. However something kept trying to send you back to Joomlas user page over and over causing the redirect loop. No idea what was doing it or why reinstalling would resolve it. I'm seeing no such issues in my tests, but is potentially a redirect in a 3rd party installed extension that could be causing it.
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