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  • Samantha
  • Samantha
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4 years 8 months ago #319174 by Samantha
Praktikanten-Vorschau was created by Samantha
Hallo Gemeinde!
Ich plane ein Projekt - nennen wir es "Praktikanten-Vorschau"

1.) es gibt jährlich ca. 100 Praktikanten (variabel)
2.) es gibt ca. 40 Praktikumsplätze (fest) an verschiedenen Orten, bundesweit

Was ich möchte:
A))) Es erscheint eine Liste mit allen gemeldeten und aktiven/aktivierten Praktikanten. (sollte bereits durch den CB gegeben sein)

B))) Jeder aktive/aktivierte Praktikant soll zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten (Kalenderwoche 1,2,3 ... 52) alleine oder zu zweit (oder zu dritt ....) wöchentlich (eine, zwei oder mehr) über das Jahr verteilt in den verschiedenen Praktikumsplätzen, (verschiedene Etagen, verschiedene Büros) verweilen.

C))) Es soll nun zusätlich eine bzw. mehrere Vorschau-Listen (1 Liste pro Kalenderwoche (also 1 - 52)) mit den künftigen Praktikanten, die (z.B. in Kalenderwoche 32) ein Praktikum bei Firma ABC haben und die (z.B. in Kalenderwoche 45) ein Praktikum bei Firma XYZ haben u.s.w. erscheinen

Mir ist klar, das ich die ca. 40 Firmen für die Praktikumsplätze erst noch erstellen muß (mit Anschrift) damit google-map funktioniert.

Ich denke mir, das man das mit diesem "CB Auto Actions" realisieren kann, genau weiß ich das aber nicht. Und das hat sicherlich auch was mit den Einstellungen in den Listen zu tun.

Gibt es hier jemanden, der sich mit der Materie auskennt und mir helfen kann/möchte? Sollte das zu umfangreich werden, würde ich das auch zusätzlich entlohnen wollen.

Ich bräuchte auch erstmal einen Hinweis, ob sich mein Wunsch mit dem aktuellen Community Builder realisieren läßt, dann würde ich diese Komponente auch bezahlen wollen.

Vielen Dank im voraus, Samantha
Hello, dear community! Does anyone happen to know if you can "drag and drop" the images of the current gallery (2.40?)? It would be nice if e.g. 10 pictures could be uploaded at once and I could then change the order of the displayed pictures. Is there maybe a gallery (addon) from other providers that fulfills my wishes?
Kind regards

You can drag and drop to upload. You can't change the order of the uploads though.

CB Auto Actions provides a wide range of functionality. It allows any Community Builder trigger to be extended with additional functionality from modifying a user object to even running your own PHP code. You can see CB Auto Actions in action by using the "Login As" module to the left. This is just one of the many ways CB Auto Actions can be used.

Note if you do not see the "Login As" module on the left please log out.

Configure workflow related tasks around your community without coding. Send emails, private messages, update field values, change Joomla ACL group, execute database queries and even more actions when a specific event happens. Powerful tool to make awesome things happen in your community.

Hello community!
I'm planning a project - let's call it "intern preview"

It's on
1.) there are approx. 100 interns per year (variable)
2.) there are approx. 40 internships (fixed) at different locations, nationwide

What I want:
A))) A list appears with all registered and active / activated interns. (should already be given by the CB)

B))) Every active / activated intern should be at different times (calendar week 1, 2, 3 ... 52) alone or in pairs (or three ...) weekly (one, two or more) throughout the year linger in the different internship places (different floors, different offices).

C))) There should now be one or more preview lists (1 list per calendar week (1 - 52)) with the future interns who (e.g. in calendar week 32) have an internship at ABC and who (e.g. in Calendar week 45) have an internship at company XYZ, etc appear

It is clear to me that I still have to create the approx. 40 companies for the internship positions (with address) so that google-map works.

I think that you can do this with this "CB Auto Actions", but I don't know exactly. And that certainly has something to do with the settings in the lists.

Is there someone here who knows the matter and can / would like to help me? If that should become too extensive, I would also want to reward it.

I would also first need a hint whether my wish can be realized with the current Community Builder, then I would also want to pay for this component.

Thank you in advance, Samantha

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  • krileon
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4 years 8 months ago #319195 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Praktikanten-Vorschau
Sounds like you just need 2 different profile types and standard userlists are included with CB. To have different profile types you'd need CB Conditional so you can show/hide different fields based off their profile type. For profile types you'd have Company and Intern then show the fields relevant to the type selected.

You'd then just have a userlist that outputs the companies and optionally one that outputs the interns based off that profile type selection. You can get all of this working without CB Conditional to at least test the userlist would fit your needs, but you won't be able to show/hide various tabs/fields based off that profile type selection during that test.

Kyle (Krileon)
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