There seems to be a very very very high load on the servers everytime a person visits a profile with alot of plugins and user information. As for the gallery, a 200k load is not unusual for a +10 picture gallery. Integrating AJAX for loading each tab would save alot of waiting time and load on the servers.
I would also like to see AJAX integration for the purpose of server load reduction. I'd also like to see a lot more of the plugins and/or modules (specifically CBLogin) incorporate AJAX to make it so that PMS and Connections are updateable. When a site has a chat area, if someone isn't tied into their PMS or Connections, it could be several minutes (hours) before they find out they have pending requests or communication.
I have just started AJAX programming, so I will struggle with some of it, but I'm by no means proficient.
I suggest trying xAjax... I have sucessfully added it into a CB plugin but have not had the time to post the "how to" yet... So if it works in a plugin I would think it could work in core components.
AJAX is an overkill for this. Browser side scripting is much more elegant and effective solution.
On the server side you just replace all img tags with a script tag that creates the images when they come visible. It would be quite easy to write a wrapper plugin (like the te access control thing that I wrote) and make this replace the tags.