I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to have dynamic content when registering in Community Builder. This is what I am trying to acomplish:
I have a list of States. Within each state are many counties or parishes. What I would like to do is when someone selects a state in a drop down box when they are registering, that they get the appropriate counties within that state in a drop down box. This way, there can be no user error when it comes to at least these 2 options.
Anyone know of eihter a module, plug in or anything that can be used? I have a list of all 3500+ counties/parishes in the US. I can move it into the MySQL database very easily.
would be really great to have those dynamic optionns on registration... yeah!
best done with ajax probably. maybe someone can get some code for doing this from the current beta release of PollsXT which uses some code like that in the backend to generate polls with conditions...
if u select a specific country u would then on registration be displayed another field asking the county, city etc...
Conditions plugin does exactly this, but it is somewhat buggy.
If you can find someone who could do some coding for this, I can help, but as of now, I do not have the time to rewrite this plugin (rewrite is the only feasible option taken the current state of the code)