I'm using a combination of CB and nBill to handle paid user subscriptions and product purchases.
nBill has an 'events' feature, allowing scripts put in an event folder to be triggered.
What I now need is to develop something that works the other way when someone edits their CB profile as I've restricted access to the nBill profile system after the user account is created.
Is there a hook into the system that I can use to essentially reverse the following script whenever someone edits their profile?
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "dbname", "password"«»)
or die("Could not connect"«»);
mysql_select_db ("dbname_joomla"«»);
$sql = "select max(id) as uid from jos_users";
$res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
$user_id = $res[uid];