:dry: So, I think I understand this: in order to use Community Builder NOW with a new Joomla 3.0.1 site, I pay y'all another USD$38-40 to upgrade my subscription membership. OR I wait for 12 months, roughly, when Joomla 3.5 is scheduled to hit the street, at which time the Joomla 3.x-compliant version of CB may be available for "advanced" subscription holders.
trlbldr wrote: :dry: So, I think I understand this: in order to use Community Builder NOW with a new Joomla 3.0.1 site, I pay y'all another USD$38-40 to upgrade my subscription membership. OR I wait for 12 months, roughly, when Joomla 3.5 is scheduled to hit the street, at which time the Joomla 3.x-compliant version of CB may be available for "advanced" subscription holders.
Sounds like a nifty marketing plan to me.
Please take a look at article again AND at right sticky 0 CB 1.9 has been released to everyone - yes including you.