You probably have a browser cache issue. Try refreshing without cache using Ctrl + F5.imaaxx wrote: Hello,
We have just upgraded our test site from RC2 to RC3 and all went well, we did notice that with firefox the configuration icon images do not render and as well we have issues with the new yes/no button as they display as both on?
In Chrome everything is visible and working including the icon images and yes/no options, so something is up firefox.
Great job on the new RC3!
We were able to find and fix this issue for next build. Thank you for your findings as it helped track down the issue.giorgionasis wrote: hi beat,
i added the line in the file and i have all of this
The implementation has nothing to do with responsive design. On mobile they collapse under a single dropdown menu like Joomla does for its menus when using that position. What was implement is if you put say 20 tabs in that position there is not enough room for 20 tabs to display (on desktop display). So what it does is it automatically displays a left/right scrolling feature to scroll through those tabs instead of just overflowing them off and not being able to reach them. Normally you should just put some of them as Nested (you can do this on a tab by tab basis now), but we're not forcing that.pepperstreet wrote: Currently I have no access to RCā¦ but I could imagine some other solutions for the menu items/tabs. Also posted a similar comment to "Nant's" responsive backend screens i.e. floating tabs
IMHO, the backend tabs should appear with 100% width (in a stacking order). If not possible by pure CSS/mediaquery..., there are some other related projects and interesting solutions:
Could also fit in frontend profile menu.
Disable non-core plugins and try refreshing your browser without cache to see if everything is displaying fine. Also ensure you're using the Default profile template as none of our other templates are CB 2.0 compatible (note the new default is Bootstrap driven so you do not need CB Bootstrap).jojo12 wrote: Not nice:
I have my contactinfos with 1 line with title.
but there's no space between title and info. and when title is longer it overlaps (see image)
I append an other one
I append an edit profile chaos too
In profile view I can order it with a html field, but in registration and profile edit it's really caotic.
Looks like you've a duplicate entry in your CB Connections database table. That shouldn't really matter for profile edit though unless you've some sort of plugin acting on profile update and making changes to _comprofiler_members.giorgionasis wrote: hi,
install over cb 1.9.1 on a joomla 2.5.24 version. when trying to update canvas photo or portrait photo no action by clicking update. cancel button works fine. i have no errors through inspect element and having turned on debug system at maximum level i also have nothing.
also trying to change "name" of contact info a have a system message
"Duplicate entry '0-764' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERTĀ INTO e4q1j_comprofiler_members VALUES(0"
but the name changed succesfully.
The cancel button goes back to profile. It cancels the profile edit.giorgionasis wrote: also i have noticed that nowhere there is a "back" button but only the "cancel". the concept is that it has been replaced??
You have users that exist in _users, but not in _comprofiler or vise verse. The sync tool corrects this by creating them in CB as needed or deleting them from CB as needed.giorgionasis wrote: and the last one
i run the synchronize user and i have
"Removing 2 entries from Community Builder missing in users Table.
User not found. User not found.
Joomla User Table and Joomla Community Builder User Table now in sync!"
and then i run "check users database" and have this one:
"Checking Users Database:
Warning: 2 entries in Community Builder comprofiler table without corresponding user table rows.
Following comprofiler id: 768, 780 are missing in user table
This one can be fixed using menu Components / Community Builder / tools and then click "Synchronize users".
All users table rows have links to comprofiler table.
users table has no zero id row.
comprofiler table has no zero id row.
All rows in comprofiler table have user_id columns identical to id columns.
All users table rows have ACL entries in user_usergroup_map table.
All ACL user_usergroup_map table rows have corresponding entries in users table."
i have done this about times.note that i have k2 installed and intergrate with CB
best regards
That plugin is not compatible. It heavily modifies field output and what it modifies it to is not CB 2.0 compatible.jojo12 wrote: Strange when ajax core field enabled, the normally circle bordered avatar image is quadratic bordered.
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Madan wrote: Hi fellows!
I have a bunch of questions.
1. My site is heavily dependent on the conditional plugin, but it doesn't work with RC3. Will it work with the stable CB2.0 release?
2. Latest GroupJive seems to work fine with RC3 but is still labelled with an exclamation mark in the CB plugin list. Will there be a new GJ version released specifically for CB2.0?
3. I'm using bootstrap template with CB RC3 modules (Coolness as standard template) and with two column view. I still get some visual problems; view and connection counters aren't transparent, the 'more' button looks odd with the stripes and text getting mixed up (see attached picture). Also, when the hidden tabs are made visible by mouseover they also get mixed up with the background, in my case the 'user status' tab (see attached image no.2). I'd also like to know if there's a way to make the profile picture circular (as in your examples) without tinkering with the css.
Finally; you've done a great job with the new CB. It already looks fantastic!
Have a nice sunday folks!
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