Have upgrade on three cloned sites one worked just fine two other had to fix the database, one I had to upgrade by downloading the patch as the normal upgrade dfid not work. Two other two them still show on admin login
crazyhorse50 wrote: Have upgrade on three cloned sites one worked just fine two other had to fix the database, one I had to upgrade by downloading the patch as the normal upgrade dfid not work. Two other two them still show on admin login
yet the text at the bottom right says Joomla 3.6.2 -- am I missing something?
Thanks for the feedback. My guess is that the last site had some files permissions issues or other server-related issues.
The "Joomla! Update Component Update" is a core extension that updates separately from Joomla core itself. You should upgrade it too: Select it then click "Upgrade" button. (And yes, its latest version is 3.6.1 as it is numbered separately from the core.