A user can choose a username like this: #myusername (A)
Everything is going fine until another user ( want to visit the profile of A. There can be two situations:
1 - B is not logged in: B gets an error message "Please, log in or register to view or edit your profile." This message is wrong if you (like me) has configured public profiles; B should be seeing A's profile instead that message.
2 - B is logged in: B will see his/her own profile instead of A's profile.
Both situations are wrong but both are normal if we use # in the URL because everything afer "#" won't be sent to the server. The only solution I can imagine is that CB should not permit # in usernames. Can someone confirms this issue?.
I think this is a real bug, a user can choose a user name with "#" symbol and then, afeter log in, nothing will work in the website as it should be. I hope CB team will fix it even if no one responds here.