Hi everybody - I have detected the following issue (have latest Joomla / CB versions). If I create on a certain tab an integer entry field and add some additional value limitations (e.g. 'Minimum value allowed' = 100 and 'Maximum value allowed' = 200 ...and then start the site and enter e.g. the value 50 into this integer entry field the following message appears:
Year 50 is not between 100 and 200'
the rule that is 'responsible' for this (in the corresponding language files: english.php or german.php in my case) is the following:
DEFINE ('_UE_YEAR_NOT_IN_RANGE','Year %s is not between %s and %s');
...of course I can make a workaround for this (I replace the string 'Year' by 'Value'), but the '_UE_YEAR_NOT_IN_RANGE' keyword should not be used for any integer field with a limitation