We sell an annual edition book of business listings.
Our customers purchase/submit listings annually. Currently they send us a paper form with a cheque; and are entered into next year’s edition.
We would like to instead have the ability for customers to update this information and pay online.
Can cbsubs do any or maybe all of the following for us: Things I have discovered since installing SBSubs
A renewal notice is sent automatically when the subscription is almost over.Yes!
An extended subscription can be purchased at any time. (So if they purchase yearly subscriptions, and then extend for another year only 6 months into their current subscription, they still get the full two years). Yes
If the subscription is not renewed prior to expiration, the CB account is disabled. But upon a renewal payment, the CB account is re-enabled. (without any loss of previous CB field profile information). (notification email sent out automatically) Yes, and a "Grace Period" can be applied, which also suits our needs.
CB account holder information (custom tab fields) can be exported (csv etc.)Have not found a tool for this, perhaps there is a plugin that would assist?
Thank you,
Post edited by: snugsites, at: 2010/07/12 01:10
I have since purchased and installed CBSubs. I'll have a play and if I have any further questions or difficulties implementing the above requirements I'll let you know. Cheers.