I'm working on a joomla site using CB and CBSubs. I'd like to reduce the number of clicks for my users and automatically log them into CB once they've successfully registered.
I'm fairly new to Joomla development and website development in general but have a fairly strong background in computer science and development, so please tailor your responses accordingly if possible
I found a post that seems to answer half of my question here:
(how can I run a PHP script when a user successfully registers). The salient point from this exchange is:
Using incubator project CB Code you could execute your PHP file on the CB trigger after registration. This would do what you're wanting. Aside from that you'll need to develop a new integration to execute your code or place the code directly into CBs core (not recommend and can't advise you as to how).
I still need an answer to the second half of my question (and further info on the first half would help as well). Second half: I need to find the code that cblogin uses to log a user in so that I can write my PHP script. Where is it located (where in my website file tree). I have done some digging through areas that seem to make sense, but can't find it. For instance: html/modules/mod_cblogin/mod_cblogin.php doesn't seem to contain the info that I'm looking for. Perhaps the missing code is in one of the files that PHP includes within this file?
Can the community direct me to the locations and filenames containing the PHP code used by the cblogin to actually log a user into the system?
It would be great if feedback included hints or good reasons why this might be a bad idea.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Very Best,
If it's of any consequence, here's my version info:
CB: 1.3
CBSUBS: 1.1.0
System Information
Setting: Value
PHP Built on: Linux n17 #1 SMP Tue Jul 20 21:31:39 PDT 2010 i686
Database Version: 4.1.25-Debian_mt1
Database Collation: utf8_general_ci
PHP Version: 5.2.14
Web Server: Apache/2.0.54
Web Server to PHP interface: cgi-fcgi
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 1.5.20 Stable [ senu takaa ] 18-July-2010 18:00 GMT
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.648.204 Safari/534.16
Sorry that I forgot to post it in the original request.