I had the problem using Community Builder version 1.4 and VirtueMart version 1.1.8 (Joomla version 1.5.23) that when a new customer completed an order and during that registered for a new account, he was unable to acces his account immediately, before we manually run a "synchronize users" in CB at backend....
We tryed at lot of modules etc, and most of them made our website crash with server errors!
So I took a wild chance and in:
I edited the very first lines FROM:
$sql_sync = "INSERT IGNORE INTO #__comprofiler(id,user_id) SELECT id,id FROM #__users";
THAT worked for me!!
Now, as soon as a customer has registered throug VirtueMart and completed an order, he can immediately acces his profile without seeing a message like "the account has not been confirmed / the emailaddress has not yet been confirmed" etc.
He can now just make an order and register, and the account is ready so he can access his CB profile at once
I don't know if this is a pretty way to do this, but it seems to work like a dream for us at
Finn / Denmark