I have tested and tested these settings. I just can't get the subscription approval to work on an upgrade or child plan.
I tried setting the default CB registration settings to Yes and then overrode them in cbsubs. Then I tried the opposite and set them to No and overrode them again.
Then I tried putting the plan as a child of the free plan, and I tried making it a top level plan.
When it was a child, I had no conditional settings and when I had it as a top level, I had it conditional on the free account. It only works, it seems, when it is not related to the other account in any way.
I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point.
I really need it to be like this:
Plan A:
(parent) Free account for life
(child) Paid verified account upon approval, after payment
a: can't register/upgrade to this unless they already have a free account.
b: Falls back to free if I don't approve them, or decline them (whatever) manually.
Is this arrangement possible?
Thanks for your help,