Hi Everyone,
The Admin of the Website in question says that she does not receive an E-Mail when a new user has registered. The E-mails were originally received, however the Admin has since upgraded certain members to author/publisher and has made changes to the moderation configuration.
I realise that the question of the New User Registration E-Mail has been raised before and I am a bit reluctant to bring it up again but as far as I can tell the settings are correct. The registration settings are: Require Admin Approval - No; Require Email Confirmation - Yes.
This should automatically send the registration confirmation message (which works!) and also the new user has registered admin Email (which apparently doesn't).
The moderation configuration tab has: Send Moderators Email - Yes.
I did notice on producing this that the setting Moderators Approve Users is set to yes and should be no, could this be a problem? Finally, the Admin Account with the relevant Email address has 'Receive Moderator Emails' set to 'Yes'.
Are there any other settings which should be checked? We are currently using CB 1.4, not CB 1.7. Could an upgrade resolve the issue?
Any advice is greatly appreciated guys, and I do appreciate the effort you put into this great Project.