CB version : 1.7
Joomla version: 1.5.23
I apologise, I am quite new to all of this. By 'please ensure subject and body are configured appropriately' i'm not entirely sure what you mean.
I have copied and pasted the verification email and registration email, along with the subjects below:
Verification email
Subject: Your Registration is Pending Approval at BBMM
Body: Greetings [USERNAME],
Thank you for applying for registration with us. We have
received your request and we will process it as soon as you
confirm your email address by clicking on the following
Once your email address is confirmed our moderators will be
notified to continue the activation process.
You will be notified by email of the progress of your registration process.
Kind Regards,
Website Administration Team
Registration Email
Subject: Welcome, New Recruit, to Blitzcrank Broke My Mum
Body: Note: This is an automated message, please do not attempt to reply to this message.
Your account with the following details:
has been activated.
Welcome [NAME],
You have now entered the recruitment process to become a member of Blitzcrank Broke My Mum. If you would like to continue this process, please continue reading this email.
We would like to take this opportunity to get to know you a bit better. To do this, please click the 'Join Us' button the website and fill in the short application form. This form will be reviewed by our ranking members.
Note: you cannot become a member without completeing the application form.
The next step is to organise some 'Trial Games'. These games will consist of you being paired up with an officer of the clan and playing a number of normal games. This will allow the officer to analyse your skill level and help us to consider you in your application.
Please be aware that it does not matter whether these trial games are won or lost, or even whether you play amazingly well or dreadfully bad. What matters to us is how you communicate with your team, and what potential we see in you.
To organise your 'Trial Games', either log into teamspeak and organise your games with an officer, or feel free to add the officers to your friend's list in game and organise your games that way.
Once you and the officer(s) feel that you have played enough trial games, you will be notified of the verdict via email.
Good luck Summoner!
Regarding the first question you asked, whether mass mailer was CBs or joomlas, originally I was using joomlas simply to test my connection to the host. I have just tried using CBs mass mailer to two email addresses and on the final screen, it says 'error sending email!'. I must have cb configured incorrectly somehow...
I would be willing to share the admin login details if you wish?
Thanks alot for your help,