comprofiler.html.php is the section I was looking for.
Just a quick followup for anyone else having this issue in the future.
comprofiler.php was calling login() but did not pass a calue with $option so within comprofiler.html.php I set $option to com_porfiler in the function:
static function loginForm( $option, &$postvars, $regErrorMSG = null )
Because no option was passed to the login, nothing was sent to the loginformfunction which caused an error after submitting because it could not find the component for NULL
The quick fix for anyone with this problem is to add
<?php $option = "com_comprofiler"; ?>
above this line in comprofiler.html.php
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option;?>" />
You can mark this section as solved.