Thank you for your answer.
As I suspected by having two different third party modules giving the same result, problem is the same with incubator CB Addon.
I used Opera source viewing and changing html by dropping various blocks on result page to see where Google Translate is unable to do its job.
I happens to stop translation in the CB List navigation, and only when this block is here.
In fact the < and > generated in the navigation part actually do confuse Google translation and stop it dead in its tracks, and the rest of the page is not translated.
Removing them allows the translation modules/plugins to do their job.
Problem is obviously on Google/Translate side, but it is somehting that CB Users List does that call on its bug. Good news, because it is somehow easier to change.
Investigating in the component looking for what generates the divs with class "cbUserListPagination", I found that writePagesLinks generates them.
I finally located this function in line 886 of administrator/components/com_profiler/comprofiler.class
Going for a quick hack, I decided to replace the < and > by their rasterized versions that won't offend Ms Google.
So I changed the occurences in the following lines all occurences of < by
<span class="bug lt"> </span>
with appropriate \ before the " on some of the lines,
and I do the same thing with all occurences of > by
<span class="bug gt"> </span>
again with appropriate escape backlashes to avoid some fatal error.
I managed to get two pictures of the < and > which I named lt.jpg and gt.jpg. I made them the right color and size as my site. (I joined them for those that have the same problem as they are black and standard character size, which could reduce troubleshooting effort in many cases).
Then I went straight to my css and :
span.bug {display: inline-block; width: 12px;} {background-image: url(../images/lt.jpg) ;}
span.rt {background-image: url(../images/gt.jpg) ;}
And now my Users Lists shows fine in every language by clicking on my little flags.
This is hack-based workaround, not the most elegant thing I will admit. Yet effective.
I suspect that the problem is Google or Ajax/jQuery related, until the patch it will work fine for those that would love to use CB all over the world !)