Ok - sorry for the delay in replying but as suspected this has been time consuming to get a reliable answer (sort of) There is good news and bad news...
1) all previous tests were repeated on out test server which is identical to the dev server (same make, same model, bought delivered same time, same o/s same version of LAMPP) same fatal error
2) created vanilla joomla 1.5.23 install in sub directory on hosted production server. Vanilla install of CB 1.7 and GJ 2.4rc - no errors on install AND works with no fatal errors.
3) created vanilla joomla 1.5.23 install on dev and test servers. Vanilla install of CB 1.7 and GJ 2.4rc - both fail with fatal error
Now this is where it gets interesting...
We had been testing another component upgrade which was J1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 native this failed post install with a fatal error but which then worked when installed on production with no fatal errors.
1) Did a vanilla install of J1.7 on dev and installed the other component - post install it generated a fatal error
2) Used a spare unused domain on production did vanilla install of J1.7 and installed the component which had failed on J1.7 dev - No fatal errors
We have not tested CB on this J1.7 set of environments as we wish to test very slowly and carefully.
Our initial conclusions are...
1) These issues are NOT caused by any interaction with other joomla components, modules or plugins as they happen when nothing else is installed.
2) They are not restricted to J1.5
3) They appear to relate to joomla components which are 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 native
4) They are not Joomla configuration related
5) There appears to be some item of common code in components which are 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 native which seems to be incompatible with some? versions of LAMPP or PHP settings
So the good news is that GJ 2.4 works in production BUT may give fatal errors on some (we suspect this) older production and development servers.
Krileon - if you use LAMPP to develop on would it be possible to pm use the version and we'll continue testing. Is there any new specific 1.6/1.7 coding which requires changes to php settings?
Any other thoughts and suggestions happily rec'd
Have just been reading this updated thread
You use WAMPP, that user was using MAMPP we use LAMPP. 2 years ago we found that there could be significant differences in the behaviour of the different flavours of XMAPP especially between WAMPP and LAMMP/MAMPP. This would help explain...
1) Why we cannot explain or replicate the errors
2) Why there seem to be no issues on production servers which should not be used with XAMPP