I see, please see the below language strings to adjust the forgot login emails.
IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/default_language/default_language.php
ON: Lines 948-960
.'A username reminder has been requested for your %s account.\n\n'
.'Your username is: %s\n\n'
.'To log in to your account, click on the link below:\n'
.'Thank you.\n');
DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_SUB','New password for: %s');
DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_MSG','The user account %s has this email associated with it.\n'
.'A web user from %s has just requested that a new password be sent.\n\n'
.'Your New Password is: %s\n\n'
.'If you didn\'t ask for this, don\'t worry.'
.' You are seeing this message, not them. If this was an error just log in with your'
.' new password and then change your password to what you would like it to be.');
If I understand correctly you maybe experiencing the below bug.