After installing the CB v1.7 upgrade recently, we had problems with the 'Lost Password/username' E-mail functions: the E-mails didn't arrive....
After installing the upgrade of CB 1.7, the fields in CB/configuration, tab: Registration, fields:
- ‘Registration e-mailaddress’ and
- ‘Registration - "Respond to" e-mailaddress’
contained the value: !E-MAIL! (as I assumed that these values were being translated automatically into the mean (webmaster) E-mail address, I didn’t change them during installation of the CB 1.7 upgrade……)
After changing these default (??) values into the real E-mail address (in our situation:, everything worked PERFECTLY again !
Probably because both E-mail addresses are being checked by our provider on validity, the E-mails were NOT accepted with the value !E-MAIL! and thus NOT accepted from CB by the Emailserver of our provider and send out, but after giving this E-mail address, it was accepted by our provider…!
Problem SOLVED !
Peter Nent