I want a profile tab that has the following characteristics:
-Visible only to the logged in user when they are on their own profile page/tab.
-Table list of all connections that match X type (where X is defined on back end...in my case the "Honored" type)
-Has the following columns, creating rows of association toward each X type of connection.
--1st column state their "X connections username"
=(x being the specific type of connection)
--2nd column state their "cap"
=(as defined by both logged in user, and X connected friend)
--3rd column state their "pending"
=(value fetched from db query ...
--4th column state their "Balance"
=(value generated = "Cap" value, divide by 2, then + or - the "Pend" value)
--5th column state their "history"
=(generated csv including relative po data from prior orders between this logged in user and the X connected friend on this row)
Example(as best I could render)
Tab Title
UserID | Cap | Pend | Balance | |History |
Jim | 100 | -25 | +25 | |HistLink|
Mary | 600 | +60 | +360 | |HistLink|
I know this is confusing
but please realize I'm NOT trying to interface with external payment processor
nor am I trying to use AUP, I'm
trying to create a similar yet different payment method for end users.
trying to create a user to user currency that basically allows end users to open lines of credit with each other (once both parties involved in said end transactions form a connection of the honored type and then define a Cap...a limit in how much they are willing to go into debt/extend credit)
I'm Still trying to work out the kinks in logic, but I needed a foundation to work with and Joomla, CB, VM, & AUP all work nicely together and I was hoping to create this so people aren't 100% dependent on major CC companies to "finance" their objectives, not when its not really needed, eg people are buying locally from their own network they've established.
I know this will confuse and probably be lol'd at, and thats fine, but I'm willing to spend money to get this accomplished so hopefully that inspires some responses
I've recently posted a real basic statement about my objective but I was informed to create a plugin.... EEEK:
My 1st attempt
- however I didn't indicate that this CB tab I want should shows/generates a unique 4-5 columned table row ... with the list being generated by the users relative X connections type.