What is the best way to handle this scenario?
My site offers the opportunity to help others and to organize the birthday party.
2 types of users:
• Those who organized the birthday (A)
• and the guests (b).
The user (A) select one ONG. Send out invitations used CB Invite
The user (b) makes a donation in the profile (A)
All money collected goes to a single PayPal account (The Administrator account) that is mine.
Then I send:
• a percentage to the charity chosen by (A)
• another percentage for (A)
• gain another percentage is
That's all very simple.
Here are my doubts about this scenario:
2 plans: a Free and a Donation plans
First: Tabs Protection
I do not want that (b) access to the same tabs that (A)
I couldnt make with CB Fields and Tabs Protection Plugin.
Donation is not supported. At least that is what i see, if I go to:
• Tab Manager
• Protect CBSubs Tabs Fields: CB tab preference Subs
• Tab availability by Owner "s Subscriptions:
• Yes, CB tab control availability subs
CB can not find the plan that creates, Subs Donation dont appear.
I can not give the user (b) the ability to make donations in his own profile if it is not his birthday.
Second: Donation Plans don´t have A Validity period
The tab donation can not stay there forever, 3 months seems reasonable.
If users make small payments would no longer correspond to the date of his birthday and during the whole year, obstructing the administration of the site.
As I can do to limit the time the plan or the tab with a SQL command, CB Queries or Triggers
Third: Total ammount
I like that (A) could see the total donations in your profile.
It would be something like this:
• Daniel 20.00 USD
• Laura 30.00 USD
• Brandon 90.00 USD
• Ismael 20.00 USD
• Ammount Total 160.00 USD
I know this can be achieved with or CBtriggers CBqueries CBsubssqlactions but i dont know which one to use and what entry exactly.
Well, it's a nice project that already works somewhere in the world but not with the potential of CB, I've been working on the project over a year and I wish with all my soul able to finish. I am happy, but if I do this ... I will smile the rest of my life. :lol: Let do it CB! I am very close and I want to win.