We are using Kunena and GroupJive. Occasionally when trying to submit a post in Kunena the user gets this error:
message: You cannot leave this field empty
When this happens, the text box on the Kunena screen is highlighted. The text which the user tried to enter is lost and cannot be retrieved.
I wondered if the problem might be due to a problem with the character set, or with some character sequence being misinterpreted by Kunena as a code. Sometimes the user may have been trying to paste something in from another webpage. However, it has also happened when all the text has been typed directly into the Kunena page.
The forum is on a restricted part of our site, so unfortunately I am unable to demonstrate.
Any ideas? Our set up:
Joomla 1.5.23
CB 1.7
CB Subs 1.2.2
CB GroupJive 2.4
Kunena 1.7
Browser: Firefox.