IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/default.php
ON: Line 184
function _renderEdit( ) {
echo $this->tabcontent;
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditSubmit" type="submit" id="cbbtneditsubmit" value="<?php echo $this->submitValue; ?>" /></span>
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditCancel" type="button" id="cbbtncancel" name="btncancel" value="<?php echo $this->cancelValue; ?>" /></span>
<div id="cbIconsBottom">
<?php echo $this->bottomIcons; ?>
function _renderEdit( ) {
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditSubmit" type="submit" id="cbbtneditsubmit" value="<?php echo $this->submitValue; ?>" /></span>
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditCancel" type="button" id="cbbtncancel" name="btncancel" value="<?php echo $this->cancelValue; ?>" /></span>
echo $this->tabcontent;
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditSubmit" type="submit" id="cbbtneditsubmit" value="<?php echo $this->submitValue; ?>" /></span>
<span class="cb_button_wrapper"><input class="button cbProfileEditCancel" type="button" id="cbbtncancel" name="btncancel" value="<?php echo $this->cancelValue; ?>" /></span>
<div id="cbIconsBottom">
<?php echo $this->bottomIcons; ?>
You'll probably need to make extra changes to the HTML or add extra CSS so the buttons aren't so close to the tabs, but that'll give you the top button display on a standard CB install. Given your profile edit is no longer tabbed am guessing you've modified core files or are using some sort of extension to get a 1 page display, which I can't help any further with. I've tested the above as guaranteed to work on clean CB install.