larrypitts wrote: Is there a way to remove the email disclaimer line "This user did not see your email address. If you reply the recipient will have your email address." from the autowelcome email, but NOT from the email sent to users from visitors to their profile? It seems strange having that at the bottom of an email sent from the administrator to a new member.
At the moment no - this is built-into Community Builder and the CB Autowelcome uses this CB function.
You can turn it off or modify it I guess (for CB) by editing the language.php file of your CB language plugin (might have to install CB 1.7 English language plugin).
The string is:
DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_DISCLAIMER',"\r\n\r\n------ NOTES: ------\r\n\r\nThis user did not see your email address. If you reply the recipient will have your email address.\r\n\r\n%s owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email and of user email addresses.");