I'm glad you explained it a bit more, I probably cannot make use of it.
I would be streamlining the registration process to get them in the door faster but then bogging down with the redirected force edit.
1. facebook login/link authorization agreement
2. plans selection page
3. payment process
4. redirect to profile edit.
right now, the users choose a plan, fill out one form submit, pay then they are redirected back to their profile.
I fear the CB Connect method may be too complicated, I'd like to keep it all on one form, one step.
The users already have a problem figuring out the editing system using the tabs. Most dont know they can edit multiple fields before hitting "update"...so they go back and forth back and forth.
Now I would have them cycling through all the tabs to find and fill out fields on several different tabs. We have at least 50 fields of data that users can fill out with about 5 of them being absolutely required, but they arent always on the same tab.
So even though they get redirected to a profile edit, they would have to cycle through 15 tabs and search for the required fields. unfortunately they just wont do it like that, they will fill out a few fields and click update and be presented with a "required info missing" message and have to start searching. They will get frustrated and give up.
The users have to be forced to fill this info out at registration or it wont get done for all 100% of the users. We have had many user systems in the past and found that in order to get the data we need, it has to be forced out of them.
I supposed the required fields could be consolidated on one edit tab and then the rest of the data displays on its proper tab using a delimiter field.
I would have to rework all the plans, registration fields and permission levels on the fields.
I dont know, I dont know....
now that I see the amount of work it doesnt seem worth it now.
I want to reduce the registration flow as we are optimizing this for tablets, I need less poking. But I cant trust the users to supply the correct data on their own.
Thanks for discussing this, it helped alot.