is my site use the following the see what i mean, in the following.
Before you log in, you will see that:
upon mouse hover of "Manafest" (on the Pill menu next to "Connect")= Joomla Star (VM Categories, or CB User Search, matters not what its pointing to)
the URL will load to
(excluding the wwww)
Upon you logging in, sometimes @ random the same ("Manafest"), does then point to the
... howerver sometimes after logging in, it doesn't...
Either way, IF I click the default Joomla Page, after being logged in, it gives the end user the impression they are logged out, eg the log in module is now at sign in, and other modules are hidden. More Over, if I'm at that point and I can click another available link, sometimes pointing to www. sometimes non-www., and then upon its load I can see registered user modules again.
If a user is on their profile page but the URL doesn't have the www. then their mp3's are no longer loading into their mp3 player on their tab.
I had this happen to me 1 other time, but then it just randomly stopped happening.
I'm running
J - 1.5.23
MySQL- 5.0.45
PHP- 5.2.12
CB- 1.7
VM- 1.1.9
Something very odd is going on.