I have recently updated joomla 1.7.2, CB 1.7.1, kunena 1.7 and uddeIM 2.5.
In cb profile page, I get a bit strange text in top of page:
|') ); } ); $('table.cbpbeditorButtons input[title]').cluetip( { splitTitle: '|', arrows: true, cursor: '', width: 400, dropShadow: false, cluetipClass: 'jtip', fx: { open: 'fadeIn', openSpeed: 'fast' } /*, positionBy: 'bottomTop' */ }); $('table.cbpbeditorButtons select[title]').cluetip({ activation: 'focus', splitTitle: '|', arrows: true, cursor: '', width: 400, dropShadow: false, cluetipClass: 'jtip', fx: { open: 'fadeIn', openSpeed: 'fast' } }); function cbslideFile(choice,uplodid) {if ( ( choice == '' ) || ( choice == 'delete' ) ) {$(uplodid).slideUp('slow');} else if ( choice == 'upload' ) {$(uplodid).slideDown('slow');}} $('#cbfile_upload_cb_cvresumefile').hide(); { $('#cb_cvresumefile__choice').click( function() { cbslideFile( $(this).val(), '#cbfile_upload_cb_cvresumefile'); } ).click(); $('#cb_cvresumefile__choice').change( function() { cbslideFile( $(this).val(), '#cbfile_upload_cb_cvresumefile'); } ); }}); -->
I get this only in Chrome not in other browsers. Please let me know if you could make a sense of above code.