The problem is coming from your "Affiliates" (mod_xpertscroller ) module. I've disabled this and confirmed your page now loads without error. It appears to be a jQuery conflict. It's using a very very low level noConflict which is not appropriate for Joomla (it needs to route jQuery to its own selector or asynchronously load jQuery so it doesn't load when jQuery already exists). When attempting to edit the module the below is presented as a fatal error.
JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1146 - Table 'jmoeller_jo151.jos_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT m.* FROM jos_k2_categories m WHERE published=1 AND trash = 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering
I recommend contacting the developer of your extension for further support as it seams to have quite a few major issues.
Please note this isn't the reason for your CB Menu showing 1 after another rather then side by side. The cause of that is purely CSS and can be resolved with the below change.
IN: templates/nanovox_joomla_1_5_template/css/template.css
ON: Line 1489
.contentLayout li {
float: none;