Currently using CB 1.7.1 on a Joomla 1.7 site with CBsubs 1.2.2
got the following error when loading the groupjive component. Could you please advise.
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_grcategory LIKE 'access'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <span>/</span>home<span>/</span>ranuk871/public_html/ehfa-platform.eu/administrator/components/com_groupjive/install.groupjive.php on line 301
The Joomla! component for Groups, online social networking, and user interaction is ready for your community.
Please note this project is now maintained by Joomlapolis and its respective Team Members. You can now find support on the Joomlapolis Forums as well as the GroupJive Forge.
GroupJive Information
GroupJive is a social networking component that creates Groups for the Joomla CMS! GroupJive requires the presence of Community Builder or Community Builder Enhanced user management components in your Joomla! installation.
GroupJive provides all registered Joomla! users the ability to create groups, join together with other users and generate content that is unique to their Group(s). GroupJive supports a group bulletin with WYSIWYG options, compatibility with almost all Joomla! PMS systems, a Plugin for Community Builder, a series of Modules that enhance the GroupJive user experience and integration with other Joomla! components including FireBoard, JomComment and more...
Groups are based on three privilege levels which determine a users ability to access and join groups:
Open to all - (open to all registered users)
Approval to join - (requires Moderator to approve membership)
Invite to join - (membership is by invitation only)
REQUIREMENT: GroupJive requires the presence of Community Builder or Community Builder Enhanced user management components. To use GroupJive, Community Builder -OR- Community Builder Enhanced must be installed!
Visit us at
for more information. Thank you!
Installation Process
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_grcategory LIKE 'cat_image'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <span>/</span>home<span>/</span>ranuk871/public_html/ehfa-platform.eu/administrator/components/com_groupjive/install.groupjive.php on line 301
Current step Message
check if field `cat_image` exists field `cat_image` does not exist
try to create field `cat_image` Error while alter table #__gj_grcategory
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_grcategory` ADD `cat_image` varchar(255) default NULL
check if field `access` exists field `access` does not exist
try to create field `access` Error while alter table #__gj_grcategory
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_grcategory` ADD `access` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
check if field `ordering` exists
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_grcategory LIKE 'ordering'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <span>/</span>home<span>/</span>ranuk871/public_html/ehfa-platform.eu/administrator/components/com_groupjive/install.groupjive.php on line 301
field `ordering` does not existtry to create field `ordering`Error while alter table #__gj_grcategoryDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_grcategory` ADD `ordering` tinyint(4) default NULLcheck if field `descr` exists
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_grcategory LIKE 'descr'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <span>/</span>home<span>/</span>ranuk871/public_html/ehfa-platform.eu/administrator/components/com_groupjive/install.groupjive.php on line 301
field `descr` does not existtry to create field `descr`Error while alter table #__gj_grcategoryDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_grcategory' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_grcategory` ADD `descr` text NOT NULL default ''check if field `params` exists
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_groups' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_groups LIKE 'params'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <span>/</span>home<span>/</span>ranuk871/public_html/ehfa-platform.eu/administrator/components/com_groupjive/install.groupjive.php on line 301
field `params` does not existtry to create field `params`Error while alter table #__gj_groupsDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_groups' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_groups` ADD `params` text NOT NULL default ''check if default settings existscheck if usertable still uses new enum set
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_users' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW COLUMNS FROM master_gj_users LIKE 'status'
table uses old valuestry to alter table to use new valuesError while alter table #__gj_users - add field status_tmpDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'ranuk871_ehfaplatform.master_gj_users' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `master_gj_users` ADD `status_tmp` enum('active','inactive','invited','need approval','undefined') NOT NULL default 'undefined'