Joomla 1.7, CB 1.7.1
I have seen a couple of posts relating to this issue but none seems to have a solution for me.
I have added a text area field to allow members to write a profile. I would like the text to extend the full width of the content box however even though I set 'display field title' to 'no' the text only stretches approx 70%. Looking at the css this is due to the following;
form.cb_form .cb_form_line .cb_field , .cb_tab_content .cb_form_line .cb_field
display: block;
float: left;
width: 70%;
vertical-align: top;
If I try to change this to width 100% then all fields (with title go to 2 lines)which is not what I want...any suggestions on how I might get the text to stretch across the full width for the text area field. Please see the attached screenshots.
Field name: cb_aboutme
Many thanks