Hi guys,
I am using the CB Content module to display CB profile operations, for example view profile, update profile, send a message (via uddeim) etc.
I have edited default_language.php to add styling and a .gif next to send a message, to add emphasis to the link, when a logged in user is viewing another users profile and wants to send them a message.
This is the edit i carried out:
//DEFINE('_UE_PM_USER','Send a message');
DEFINE('_UE_PM_USER','</br><center><strong><font color="#cc3333"><img src="images/compose.gif"/> Send a message</strong></font></center></br>');
This works fine in when displayed in the cb content module (see attached image), however, when a user views their connections, the html code added in default_language.php is revealed and the result is messy (attached).
I need to be able to keep the image and styling for send a message, but keep manage connections the same.
Many thanks