Thank you for your reply!
I want to ad an additiona field, which is sent to user.
I do not want use IM Tools like uddeIM. It is not solving my needs.
---More detailed---
In next step I want to ad a script to this field, which saves the requests whcih where sent to user with
- Topic
- Message
- extea field 1
- extra field 2
- date time
- if possible with ip
- and a specific value we like to fetch with any cookie or something... (this is a vlaue which is given by user search...
--> User A has checkboxes mit values pizza, spaghetti and wine.
USer B searches User list for users with Spaghetti
-> USer B contacts User a and the value Spaghetti musst send and also saved in Database with above fields
So the Contacting from USer A to User B should be visible in statistic with report which fileds where entered and also selected.
Looking forward to your reply... very intersting topic for me