I need to make some userlist that are sortable by column table and fields that are not a cbfield (ie expiration date)
Not sure where to start.
These are for admins only, Once they have the list they need to be able to download. I have looked but seem to be searching on the wrong things
I was thinking I could use CB Auto Actions but go need more documentation on type not sure if I need field. then I can combine the fields to a list, or a request or code,
Then I think I understand trigger, so onload of userlist.
For users I want only Administators to view I don't care if is from the front or back end. . Where do you specify
the var1..
So I guess the Conditional could be the expire date not empty for all then duplicate the whole thing for other option.
and then write the php to make the list.
Or should I just do this via flexi code??