I need to capture 2 information: approval date and the user ID of the admin that approve the member.
For approval date, is it possible to capture both date & time? The dropdown list in Field Management only has 'Date' which corresponds to database field type 'DATE'.
For the admin ID, the [user_id] substitution will replace it with the ID of the user being approved. Is there any way I can get the admin's user ID?
I created new trigger through CB Queries. The following SQL works and the cb_approvaldate is populated correctly:
UPDATE jos_comprofiler SET cb_approvaldate = NOW() WHERE user_id = [user_id];
However, the following doesn't. The whole query fails to execute so it must be the cb:userfield substitution that's wrong:
UPDATE jos_comprofiler SET cb_approvaldate = NOW(), cb_approvedby = [cb:userfield field="user_id" user="#me" /] WHERE user_id = [user_id];
The filed type of 'cb_approvedby' is Text. Any idea?